跟我一起玩彩妝 : 10分鐘工作妝容 GRWM : 10 mins makeup for work

6 年前
跟我一起玩彩妝 : 10分鐘工作妝容 GRWM : 10 mins makeup for work 嗨,今天要跟大家分享的是我的10分鐘出門快速彩妝,希望你們會喜歡,別忘了訂閱我的頻道收看更多彩妝影片喔! Hey! Today's video is a GRWM type video, Im definitely a person who would choose more time to sleep than more time for makeup in the moring, so let me show you how I do my 10 mins makeup before work and save more time for sleep!! xDD Hope you will like it and don't forget to subscribe for more videos! ---- Min's 授權:Freedom!創作聚家臉書
